The modern day handbag is more than just a functional piece that helps us carry necessary items; handbags are the modern accessory of the moment, gracing the red carpet in designer variations that spur the masses to run for their nearest high-end department store. Some of the more prominent designers are synonymous with luxury handbags and the world waits to see what will be next in their growing line of products. The Louis Vuitton handbag is one such luxury product that enthusiasts clamor to own.
The birthplace of Louis Vuitton - the man and the design house - is France. Known initially as a luggage trunk manufacturer, Louis Vuitton soon began designing luxury luggage in late-1800s Paris. The company instantly took hold with consumers who were attracted to high-end products. What set the company apart from its competitors was an unrivaled dedication to quality. When Louis Vuitton passed away in 1892, his son Georges took over the company - the same year that the Louis Vuitton handbag was introduced to the market.
However, in 1896 the very thing that would elevate the Louis Vuitton handbag to stardom began from a simple idea to prevent counterfeiting. In an effort to stop would-be knock-offs of the Louis Vuitton handbag, Georges Vuitton instituted the logo that would skyrocket the brand to stardom.
The instantly recognized pattern that was established by the brand - can still be found on the Louis Vuitton handbag today - a beige and chestnut colored "LV" monogram. By the early 1900s, Louis Vuitton stores could be found all over the world - including Paris, London, New York, and Washington.
Throughout the years different variations of the Louis Vuitton handbag continue to be introduced to the marketplace. Enthusiasts wait to see what will be next in the line of products and they are never disappointed; whatever new Louis Vuitton handbag that hits the shelves is an instant success. Assisting in the company's enormous success is the unbridled passion for the Louis Vuitton handbag among celebrities. Louis Vuitton is a brand name synonymous with success; the handbag has become a status symbol among the rich and famous around the world.
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