Millions of women all over the world feel that designer handbags are a necessary accessory. Most women carry items of makeup, cell phone, money and other items in their handbags. Not just as a utility item, but carrying a chic Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci or Prada handbags makes a fashion statement.
Coach is the most popular designer handbag. Coach has 16 handbag collections that include Brooke, Mia and Sutton. The handbags come in about 12 colors including black and yellow. Their prices range from $298 to $1200. They are made mostly of leather with some print materials mixed with it. Prada is an Italian fashion house that opened in 1913. Their handbags are made of calf leather, nylon and leather. They have fall and spring collection handbags. Most of their handbags are in black, brown, red or tan colors. Their price range is between $380 and $4,400.
Yet another Italian fashion house is Louis Vuitton. All their handbags have the initials LV on them. They have some of the most sought handbags in the world. The LV handbags are waterproof and scratch proof and most of the Hollywood starlets own one. They have about 14 different handbag collections and the handbags are primarily black, white or grey. They also have other colors. The costs of the handbags start at $240 and can exceed $4260.
There are a lot of counterfeit products available in the market. Selling fake designer handbags is a huge thriving racket these days. Some of the things to note while buying designer handbags are as follows: The first thing to do is check the stitching. If it is a fake then the stitching will be of poor quality or inconsistent with the color or location. The second thing to do is to check the label. Fake purses often have wrongly spelt labels or labels in the wrong locations.
The third is to check for small details. Most designer handbags have logos in the rivets or zippers. The fourth is to check the material. Even if the fabric is leather it may not have the same feel as leather from Italy. The fifth is to check the packaging. The original manufacturer packaging should include boxes, soft bag to prevent dust and tissue paper with brand logo. The last thing to check is the certificate of authenticity and brand booklets that come with most designer bags. The person selling the handbag should also have original receipts.
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