As soon as we think of designer hand bags, at once smart women with very trendy and stylish handbags flash in our minds. Gone are the days when only a woman needed a handbag, nowadays men need to carry stuff with them too. No, they do not carry lipsticks or nail filers in their handbags or more commonly known as "carry-alls" but they need something to carry their music player, iPhone, keys, laptop, billfolds and wallet etc. Holding it all in the hand is not convenient and the pocket, well what all can the poor pocket hold? Ever since the demand and need for these carry-alls has been felt, designers have played their part and unveiled new lines for men's carry-alls. As designer carry-alls hit the market, a man with his handbag, no longer looks feminine, in fact now, its a fashion statement for men to carry one!
Apart from the carry-alls there are the messenger bags with lengthy bands, which go over the head on to the opposite shoulder, over the chest. Fashion designers noticing their popularity, realized the need for designer carry-alls at once and have started working on these manly handbags, so that they may be multipurpose;functional and trendy at the same time. Work is being done on bags to be used for work, for play and even professional looking designer briefcases! Meant for the men who want to look masculine and stylish at the same time.
Several top names such as The House of Gucci, haute courture, Dior, designer Jean Paul, Louis Vuitton and designer Jean Paul are presenting bags that can be useful for men. Being designers they are making sure that these masculine bags are made of the best possible material and are pure examples of quality and durability.
With designer bags out for men, women can no longer be the only ones to be blamed for spending extravagantly on handbags!But the Economic crisis affects men even more, and they have to think thrice before looking all stylish! Therefore wholesale designer bags make things easier for these style craving men and offer affordable prices that are much lower than those carry-alls available at stores. Thus starting an online wholesale carry-alls business can prove to quite lucrative. Just be careful to get good wholesale drop shippers like Salehoo and your business in men's designer handbags is bound to flourish as well as it could in women's designer handbags!
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It is advisable to buy these fashionable, designer bags from legitimate and experienced drop shippers like Salehoo. Buyers will buy their bags based on their usability and distinctiveness. They need to know where they can use these bags.