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Yudu Ink For Screen Printing cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags

Yudu ink was designed for the Yudu machine because of its user friendly and durable nature. This ink is water based and compatible with all screen printing equipment, not just the Yudu machine.
There are basically two types of ink used for screen printing. These are the water based Yudu ink and plastisol ink. Plastisol is typically a 100% solids ink, whereas Yudu ink does have a liquid water base. In some circumstances plastisol ink has a very low solvent content, but for the most part it is actually 100% solids.
When running the ink through the screen to make the print it doesn really matter which type, in this step theyu basically work the same. This is where the processing similarities end. Yudu ink dries off the press while plastisol has to be heat dured before it is removed. Plastisol ink actually has to be melted to get it to bond to the substrate and become set before it is removed from the machine. Each ink type has it pros and cons to what make it a good product. However I feel like the Yudu ink outshines the competition in overall performance. The standard Yudu printing method makes using the Yudu machine a little bit expensive. There are many tips and tricks out there that really make the Yudu machine far more user friendly and easy to use. This advice, that is pretty easy to find on the internet, also makes the overall equipment required to run large batches quickly much less.
Plastisol inks can certainly have their advantages depending on the application. For the most part in general screen printing applications the Yudu ink will perform better. When printing bright colors on black fabric the plastisol ink will outperform Yudu ink. The way plastisol works in this application is just better. Once you get printing you will likely find that this is a rare circumstance . Earlier I mentioned that the plastisol ink has to be melted to actually work. When printing clothing applications the Yudu ink will also require a heat setting proicess. However it comes at a different time and requires much less heat to do. The Yudu ink must be heat set with an iron. This keep s the ink from washing off in the laundry.
The Yudu is a screen printing system just like any other, that what makes it so great. While the ink specifically designed for it is a water based product you are free to choose whichever type of ink you want. HotNews XIAOXU0825 :

