

in the vanguard of fashion

You get what you pay for, and when you get the marvelous quality of the top designer handbags with their premium materials and their meticulously detailed construction, you can expect to pay for every delicate stitch. The handbags are simply unparalleled in their appearance and the chic touch they will add to any ensemble, and they are much sought after, to the point of their manufacturers establishing waiting lists for their affluent clients who want, or are required to be, in the vanguard of fashion. If you are one of those lucky people, the price of owning a collection of top designer is probably not a consideration.

Imitation For Profit

The handbags get their reputation, because of their quality of workmanship and their materials, which ensure that with proper care, they will last a lifetime, and will always remain fashionable. But their very desirability makes the designer handbags targets of those who want to capitalize on their popularity by creating counterfeits which they offer for sale as authentic, but entice customers with reduced prices. If you are interested in purchasing one of the top handbags, you need to be alert to these rip-off artists and steer clear of them and their merchandise, which can be very convincing in their texture and appearance.

Making Your Choice

When you have found a number of top bags from which you want to make your final selection, you can winnow the selection down according to style, material, and function. The top top designer are made in every conceivable style from clutch to over-the shoulder to small evening purse, and in materials from sequined silks and velvets to cowhide.

You will have to decide if you want one large enough to carry your clothing and food for several days, or one small enough to hold only a spare lipstick, comb, and your cell phone. You may want one of the top designer handbags which can double as an over-the-shoulder or clutch purse depending on the occasion.

Versace, Gucci, Fendi, Prada, Balenciaga, or Luella Gisele: all of them are makers of top designer handbags but they are by no means the only makers of top designer handbags, and your choice of their creations or those of other fashion accessory houses will be limited only by the size of your bank account.

